
Brandy Speer


5 Ideas to Help You Focus Your New Year's Resolutions

At this time of year, you may be considering whether you're going to make a New Year's resolution.

Maybe you've made them in the past and lost interest over time.

Improving Follow-Through on Your New Year’s Resolutions

FACT: By the time we reach a certain age, we understand the real point behind our New Year’s resolutions. It’s admirable to make real efforts to improve yourself. Yet, for many, making it past February 1st with your resolution intact just doesn’t happen.

How to Keep Your Head Above Water When You Can't Afford Your Monthly Expenses

$14 trillion! That's the household debt recorded in the US for just the first quarter of 2021. One look at that amount, and anyone can tell it's a lot of money.

To put the amount into perspective, if you could stack the total amount in one-dollar bills, the height of the stack would reach the moon, come back to the Earth, and reach the moon a second time.

Tips for Paying Your Bills on Time

Did you know that credit card companies make more money from late fees than they make from those very high interest rates? Banks rely on late fees for revenue; let them rely on someone else's tardiness.

Consider These Strategies for Successful Budgeting

Budgeting is an important element of effectively managing your money. Living paycheck to paycheck can be difficult, but there are ways ....

6 Techniques to Educate Your Small Children About Money

Children can benefit from finance education at an early age.

A study from the University of Cambridge, “Habit Formation and Learning in Young Children,” found that money habits are formed

Top 11 Ways to Save Money on Holiday Gifts

Top 11 Ways to Save Money on Holiday Gifts....

4 Things to Consider When Choosing Who to Spend Your Holidays With

The holidays are undoubtedly a time when you want to spend as many hours as possible doing memorable things with those you

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